Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Monday, February 4, 2008

The Vacation

This is my second attempt at writing a blog. The first one was around 4 years back and it’s been such a long time that I am not able to find it...but I swear I posted it on rediff blogs. Guess they did not like it that much and took it off. But someone did like it and she ended up marrying me.

This year is going to be exciting. For starters I took a vacation, Giants beat the Patriots, dollar is becoming pale and Obama may actually be nominated. Back in India, we are doing what we do best, complicating the things for themselves…the latest being the Bachchan-Raj feud. Do we not have enough problems in Bombay already?

I spent the last 10 days in Singapore. One of the things that come to light when one visits places Singapore is that there are so many ways of doing the right thing. Singapore is not that different from Bombay. Weather sucks, people spit and litter (till they are able to get away with it), rains, double-decker buses etc. But it is yet so different. Do I want India or say Bombay to be like Singapore? No I don’t think so, but I surely want the city planners to learn from Singapore about solving the problems, without going to on an all expense paid junket. Bombay problems should have solutions that suit Bombay.